Teach My Parent About Consent (and other new ways I parent)

By Let's Talk About Sex Ed with Ms. Ashley (other events)

Saturday, September 9 2023 11:00 AM 1:00 PM EDT

Parenting philosophies have changed. The "Me Too" movement has caused ripples. Consent-based parenting and attachment theory are new fangled ideas to people over 50. Want support in educating your parents (who are now grandparents)? I'm sure they want to be the best nanas, papas, grandmas, grandpas, and grandies to their precious growing families.

What we'll cover:

~Consent: What is it? What are the best ways to use it with children? Why should we parent from a consent-based lens?

~Boundaries: Why do my adult children keep talking about boundaries? What are they and why are they important?

~Collaborative Problem Solving: What is it? How do we use this? How can it reduce tension when problem solving is needed?

~Basic De-escalation Strategies & Active Voice Communication: When should we use them?


Who is the educator: 

Ashley Robertson looks a little edgy, but she doesn't look like a teacher. She is a teacher. With three teaching degrees, she's an educator who is fed up with the idea that teachers belong in classrooms. From sleep training to sex ed, she guides parents (and grandparents!) through the challenges of child rearing using best practice pedagogy and enthusiastic empathy.

IG: MsAshleyRobertson

Let's Talk About Sex Ed with Ms. Ashley